Seriously, what a disappointment.
Only four planets with one area you can explore. So much for massive. The only place on Earth we can explore is Russia and that area is the most boring of the planned Earth areas. Also what happened to Europa and the other gas giant moons? The rings of Saturn? Mercury and Pluto? So much for an entire solar system to explore.
The playable species are lame. Oh boy one of the species we can play as are blue space alien elfs that are supposed to be like Edward Cullen. Bungie, why would you want anything in your game to reference Edward Cullen? Exo look stupid as heck, dumb robots that aren't cool like the Geth. Why the hell are the fallen, cabal, hive, vex, and other cool species not available for us to play as? Such madness!
No open world PVP. What a fail. Way to carter to the whiney kids who throw a tantrum cause they can get killed while out exploring. The competitive PVP can only hold 12 players? 6 v 6? What the hell, what happened to this game being a MASSIVE multiplayer online. If Battlefield can hold matches with up to 64 players (and Halo 16 players), the least Bungie can do is 16 players or better yet 32 players. Competitive PVP could be so much better since it the meat of the game Bungie.
Talk about a overhyped game that isn't going to have much content at launch. Why were we even excited? Also, what the hell is up with that pathetic excuse of the social hub? "Hey gaiz! The last city will be a social hub for u guardians" Last time I checked, the top floor of a tower is NOT a city. Also why can't I meet players in the open world. Bungie, really, that hype machine was pointless.
No chat and fireteams are three people. Yay, I can only party up with two other people. Da fuq Bungie?
Also the universe is pretty dumb. Seriously, the darkness! The traveler? What is this nonsense. Ghost is fail!Cortana replacement, atleast Cortana was a hot blue holographic babe.
Doing the same overselling BS that Bioware has been doing since they became a drone for EA.
Looks like someone's mom isn't buying there kid destiny.well darn it son I guess you can wine till Christmas then.
I read this and all I got was... You have original ideas Bungie, what a shame you didn't copy the 40 things I like that fit these various roles or the game doesn't play like other games. News Flash! It's not those other games. They designed how they wanted it to be played and all the content within it. I personally like the androgynous AI and the cast of enemies that come with it.
由xUndyingRealm編輯: 8/26/2014 8:06:21 AMI have a question for you . Why post this if you are not comfortable with a game that's not even out yet ? Why post this if you don't like Destiny period ? Why post this if you think Destiny would be a waste ? Don't you think you posting this is a waste of your time specially when the topic is about a game you think is lame ? hmm. I don't know buddy.
Oddly valid troll post. Try harder at being absurd. Its not trolling fun if people actually kinda agree with you.
I know! It's really shown in the amount of pre orders! I don't know if Bungie will survive with only 5 million confirmed & 10 million claimed by retailers. I guess the Lamborghini will have to wait for the devs! Maybe Ferrari now! This is Bungie here! Did you play the Halo series?! They give the best post release support in the industry. Even with one area to explore, I spent 60+ hours in the beta alone in just pve! And around 15 hours in pvp. Bungie has stated many times that they are leaning neither way. That pve & pvp will have equal support, and no matter your style of play there will be something for everyone. I trust Bungie completely. This is the biggest game in scope they ever made! Halo 3 & Reach were pretty awesome with some of the best replay value I have seen! I had multiple all night Destiny sessions. I haven't done that since mwf2. That was because my cousin was deployed in the military & was the only way we could "hang out" with him in Iraq. If you truly have the issues you claim then Destiny isn't for you!!
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由PyroMan15編輯: 8/26/2014 4:38:19 AMYou want to know what else makes destiny lame, the LACK OF BOOB PHYSICS!!!!! We men need something to jack off to when we make our character (or some one else's) do something that would make MASSIVE TiTs wobble in our faces!!!!! #boobies #sarcasm #420blazingYOLOswag #enough with your hashtags already # stop with the complaints