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由electoblaze編輯: 8/20/2014 9:57:14 PM

Minecraft (PS4) Disappointment?

Yes, I was disappointed that it wasn't there.


No, it wasn't at all disappointing.


I'm indifferent.


I'm on the fence/Not sure.


For those who didn't already know, MoJang gave the final PS4 version of Minecraft to Sony for final testing [b]1 full week ago.[/b] (See MoJang's Twitter page.) In other words, the game went gold. So I was pretty disappointed when I checked Playstation's new games of the week (always on Tuesday) to find NO mention of Minecraft. The game went gold 1 week ago, and they can't finalize it in 1 week??? Isn't minecraft a big priority to them, considering how well it's sold every time before? Who else feels disappointed about this? (Or not?) Thoughts? Comments? Edit #1: Thank you to those who remained calm throughout and wanted to debate rather than troll. Edit #2: But it just shows you how toxic the Destiny community can be. Those who diss Call of Duty's player communities here are hypocrites.



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    Patience is a virtue, it'll be out soon enough. They aren't delaying the launch because it's not important to them, they either have some ridiculous legal quandary to feck around with first or they are just being extra careful so it has a smooth launch. It'll be out next week or the week afterwards, either way it's not the end of the world.



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