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7/31/2014 9:30:10 PM

Why is everyone so hung up on levels?

The amount of rage coming from the forums and other places such as twitter and facebook regarding the level cap is incredible. What is making people rage on the level cap so much? For me its all about story and play-ability. We all know during the beta getting to level 8 was achieved really quick, if they slowed that down and opened up all the nice weapons and armour what difference would it make to the overall game if it stayed at level 8? There is a general urge for people to posture by getting to the top level the quickest. However they are missing the point of the game, but feeling like they've achieved something because they reached the highest level the game has to offer "I'm better than you because I got to level 20 in 6 hours" "ppfffttt Level 15, peasant". It seems redundant as the level cap is intangible as Bungie has full power over it. If they wanted to put a level cap of 1000 on they could. Would that make the game any better? No. Would it make any real difference? No. Would you still have people aggressively trying to achieve it. Yes. Would it increase the time you spent playing the game? Possibly. However without good gameplay then peoples interest won't be held no matter how many levels there are. I just don't understand.



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