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由Choopie編輯: 4/29/2014 12:20:34 PM

What Are Your Views On Psychedelics?

Welp, as many of you all know, I am a huge supporter for the legalization of Cannabis, but I am also a very big supporter of psychedelics. That being psilocybin, LSD, Mescalin, Salvia, DMT, ect. When I say LSD I don't mean any of the fake research chemicals going around these days such as DOx's, NBOMe's, 2C's, ect. They can damage the brain severely. But as for true psychedelics, I feel like they can be very helpful and life changing. They open your mind and allow you see things in a different perspective upon yourself and the world around you that couldn't regularly see. LSD has also been used to help people suffering from addiction with alcohol and heroin, as well as people with mental disorders. Many addicts are known to lower their drinking amounts or never drink alcohol again after experiencing a larger dose of pure LSD. DMT has helped people completely change their lives around. Ayahuasca, which is found more commonly in the amazon has been gaining a lot of popularity lately. More and more Americans are traveling to the amazon to partake in the shamanic ritual to help cleans out any problems they have been facing. I don't see them as a party type of drug and should not be used as one or used often. They are meant to be used periodically. It holds consequences if used improperly or irresponsibly. It is nothing to be taken lightly. However, the incredible insight that it holds, makes the trip so wonderful and such an amazing learning process. I have no problem with anyone who wouldn't like to take psychedelics because it just isn't for everyone. But for the people who do partake in the psychedelics, more power to ya! What are your views on psychedelics? What do you think of them and the way they've took part in our would? What are they to you?



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    I look back at my time with them as some of the most introspective, fun, and enlightening times of my life. More than once I found myself viewing life, my place in it, faith, friendship, my future, etc. in a different way after a night with them. Some of those views still stick with me today. But it's not for everyone. And it's something that absolutely no one should be coerced into trying.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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