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由SexyPiranha編輯: 5/27/2014 3:00:30 AM

Flood! Halp!

I'm having a bit of trouble with my pooter. Mah specs [quote]Windows 8.1 64 bit Intel Core i3-3240 8 Gb RAM GTX 660 1 Tb HDD that came with the computer(I'm a college student I have to cut corners) Need anything else just ask.[/quote] I have this weird issue where, even if my computer is idle my disk usage will randomly spike up to 100%. It gets even worse when I'm doing something and will cause the computer to freeze periodically. This wasn't a problem for at least the first 3 months of having the computer and it just started randomly. Processes like System and Service Host are usually at the top of the processes tab on Task manager when it does this. The kicker is that after some searches this seems to be a fairly widespread problem for Windows 8 and 8.1 but there seems to be as many causes as there are computers to have them. I've tried everything. I've decided that only appeasement of my computer's Machine Spirit will solve this. What I need to know is when and how. I wouldn't usually post this here but after many hours searching and viewing forums for this kind of thing just to have nothing work I have become desperate. Flood, I beseech thee, help a brotha out.



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