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3/28/2014 2:57:46 PM

Deaf woman's shock as she hears for first time

[quote]The moment a 39-year-old woman heard for the first time, thanks to cochlear implants, has been captured on video. Joanne Milne burst into tears when she heard a nurse reading out the days of the week. Ms Milne, from Gateshead, was born deaf and during her 20s she also began to lose her sight, due to the rare medical condition Usher syndrome. She said she was delighted by the results of the "life-changing" procedure to fit implants. "Hearing things for the first time is so, so emotional, from the ping of a light switch to running water. I can't stop crying. "The first day everybody sounded robotic and I have to learn to recognise what these sounds are as I build a sound library in my brain.[/quote] We are incredibly close to curing blindness and Deafness, the world is becoming a better place for millions of people.



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