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3/19/2014 3:40:16 AM
Oculus Rift announced - "So cool, etc etc." Morpheus announced - "This is shit Sony is shit everything is shit" Oh man. Pretty cool though, but with a lot of the accessories you'd have to buy with it, I dunno if I'd want it.



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  • Oculus is stupid also.



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  • Oculus got some extra props for announcing theirs first. Now we've seen the headset demoed and some of the challenges with development, so we're not quite as excited. And everyone likes to cheer a little harder for the little guy. Bnet aside, I haven't really seen anyone saying it's shit though. Apart from the tech, it actually looks pretty awesome.



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  • I think both are cool. I'm planning on getting the Oculus when it comes out sometime in the next 20 years (hue). I was mostly commenting on how Bnet reacts to stuff like this.



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    The Oculus Rift will probably be out by the end of the year, or early next year. They said their plan is to release the Dev Kit 2 (this July) so that developers have time to support their games, and then follow up with the consumer version shortly thereafter. They're probably at the mercy of display manufacturers too. They need to have someone sell them the components (in order to build the headsets) and so the release window will rely heavily on that. When they're confident that everything is in place, the hardware and the software, we'll probably see a release date. And it won't be 20 years fortunately.



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