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由M37h3w3編輯: 1/16/2014 11:42:44 PM

12 year old shoots two with shotgun. Family heartbroken.

[url=]The shooter's family that is.[/url] Personally: I'm glad they are sad. Because that absolves them of their guilt and their failure as parents and decent human beings to ensure that they talk with their son and to find out if he has any troubles that bother him. No to mention it absolves them of the responsibility to ensure that the shotgun and the ammunition was in a safe and secured location.



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  • But if they secured the ammo too separately from the gun, how would they defend their home in a robbery? It's entirely the twelve year old's fault. Who doesn't know right from wrong at 12? The moment he picked up that gun he became a common criminal and a thief. If he survived, he should be charged as an adult and executed.



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