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由SpeechlessMoon編輯: 11/25/2013 10:26:52 PM

Zommunism Hub Thread - Offtopic Edition

Hello all! I have recently been assigned a civics project to create a new political party. I decided to do a parody of Communism, and call my party the Zommunist Party. I am using it to parody the Red Scare as well as shine light on some Communist and Socialist ideas that hold a lot of relevance in todays world. The best thing is, all the members of my political party are zombies!! As of now there is no content on this thread because I am at the doctors and posting on mobile, but when I get back I will post everything I have already done, and tomorrow I will make sure to update this thread as I finish more and more work. As for right now, tell me what you think of the idea, and give me suggestions!! Also, if you had to create a new political party, what would it be?



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