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How are you doing in your classes?
I'll put my weighted averages (Grades + AP/Honors points):
AP English Language: 96
Algebra II: 98
Honors Physics: 101
Honors/VHS Astronomy: 97
Honors US History II: 98
Spanish IV: 93
Calc I: 89.84% Chem 2A: 89.8% Engl 1A: 92.6% Chem Lab: 98.5% Comm 1A: 97.2% Pretty much 1 B, which doesn't take into account extra hours of math lab or else it would be a 92.5%, and 4 A's. Now, I'm just trying to finish with a bang. Why was this thread hidden by the way? People of the Off-Topic jelly of your scores?
Gahh! What does this all mean? Are those numbers percentages or something? 101 in physics? Wut?
5 回覆
CSC - 88 CSS - Unknown Precalc w/trig - 58 People (friends both online and off, me included after some convincing,) are starting to think I have something called ADHD-PI. I wish I had been informed of this earlier as to not waste my time right now, but people decided to keep this to themselves for some reason. At this point most of my effort has been wasted because of it. I'm going to be seeing a doctor about it soon enough, but it pisses me off that I'd have to waste this entire semester (and probably what would have been a successful high school career,) because of a lack of diagnosis over this. I wouldn't assume anyone takes it well when you recognize your performance had the possibility of reaching much further than what you got to. It's easy to keep your cool when typing online, but right now I feel like just buying a plane ticket and never looking back. I can't see any prolong negative that outweighs the decision to starting a new life somewhere else right now, but I feel like I'd be doing it out of anger and no actual reason behind it. The only issue to get it started is cash though, and I'll probably stay upset long enough that I'll have the money before I'm not.
Any school/university that can give out over a 100/A doesn't count to me, that's just bogus teaching skills.
由FloodScientist編輯: 11/10/2013 11:56:27 PM
由King Dutchy編輯: 11/10/2013 11:39:39 PMCurrent 2nd Quarter Grades: AP Government: D English 12 Honors: D AP Calculus AB: F Int/Adv Concert Band: A Biology II DC: C- Psychology: B- French II: A 1st Quarter Grades: AP Government: C- English 12 Honors: B- AP Calculus AB: C+ Int/Adv Concert Band: A Biology II DC: B- Psychology: B French II: A-
I can't remember the exacts so ill just post my GCSE subjects and you'll have to put faith in me getting A's-B's like I say I am. Maths Statistics English language English literature French Graphics design IT History Dual award Science (AKA 2 GCSE's out of it)