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10/15/2013 3:31:07 PM

Israel "Bullying Iran will get a better deal for us"

That's pretty much what he is saying. Lets bully Iran to get our way, I speak of balance in the middle east so just ignore our nuclear weapons and our expansion into Palestine another state we don't want to exist but pretend to be diplomatic. Israel needs to be put in it's place, there is a fear of a nuclear bomb but there is also the chance of Nuclear power to light people's homes. Israel wants the balance of power to stay in favour of itself even if it causes the destabilization of the middle east.



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • 由Mega Blaziken編輯: 10/15/2013 3:41:33 PM
    how about we give them a taste of what they're dishing out? bomb their towns and murder their people. -blam!- Israel.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

    2 回覆
    • Come on America, send in some commandos to kill these bearded nuns.



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      以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

    • There needs to be a big-ass earthquake in the middle east. So strong that it separates all of those countries so they can stop bitching about each other.



      以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

      1 回覆
      • [quote]Israel needs to be put in it's place[/quote] ...Probably a bad idea.



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      • Iranian officials have said on countless occasions that they want to blow Israel and the United States off the map. It's not going be used to "light people's homes," it's to kill millions of people. [i][b]They are a hostile nation.[/b][/i] The Israelis [i]should[/i] be taking proactive measures, given that kind of threat. Why should they be "put in their place?" For protecting themselves from a bunch of loons?



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        7 回覆
        • Overreacting once again, why is this even news? Israel is literally a paranoid pitbull in a cage of pissed off Chihuahuas that aren't going to do anything.



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        • I don't support Israel in much of anything, but the Iranians have said over and over that they want to destroy Israel. Their government also has a history of Holocaust denial and oppression of basically everyone that isn't a hyperconservative Muslim male. Seriously, -blam!- the Iranian government. I'll take Israel over a Muslim theocracy any day.



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          1 回覆
          • Why can't we just dismantle Israel and be done with it?



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          • 由Logfish111編輯: 10/15/2013 3:37:35 PM
            Israel: "We are all cnts."



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          • 由Mags編輯: 10/16/2013 4:25:18 AM
            That's not what he's saying, at all. He's saying that by easing sanctions against Iran prematurely, it could have a more detrimental effect than tightening sanctions to essentially force Iran to the negotiating table. Which, I would have to agree with his assessment. Let's look at this PDF report from the Defense of Democracies:[url=]Click[/url] Mainly I want to focus on the first main point: [quote]Iranian nuclear physics continues to beat Western economic pressure. Iran is less than a year from reaching critical nuclear capability, despite international sanctions designed to prevent this outcome. While its accessible FX reserves have fallen sharply, Iran has sufficient reserves, and “off-books” assets, to painfully muddle through for at least 12 months, if not longer. However, Iran’s domestic political timeline may be considerably shorter given the considerable pressure on Iranian president Hassan Rouhani to deliver on his commitment to lift sanctions and stabilize the economy as quickly as possible. The Iranian government may fear that, without a short-term nuclear deal, further sanctions pressure could tip the economy into an unmanageable economic and political crisis before reaching undetectable nuclear breakout in mid-2014.[/quote] In other words, a short-term deal made with Iran that eases sanctions would allow them to allocate enough resources to more clandestine nuclear activities; subsequently it would allow for them to obtain nuclear capability by mid next year. Israel, while still not a perfect country and has done illegal things as well, still has a justifiable reason to see Iran as a threat to their security. Like the Sunni Gulf States, Israel sees Iran as a regional threat. With Iran trying to extend their hegemon throughout the Levant and parts of the Gulf, Israel, like the Gulf States, sees this a potential catalyst to upset regional balance and quite possibly incite a conflict. Also like the Gulf States, Israel is concerned about Iran's handling of the Syrian conflict. Israel isn't too keen with upwards to hundreds of Iranian soldiers within Syria fighting for Assad. They also see this as a threat to not only regional security, but also their own. Not to mention the numerous terrorist organizations that Iran props up to fight Israel in their proxy war against them. The three or four Israeli airstrikes on Hezbollah/Iranian targets within Syria this year highlights the last two points. Regarding the nuclear issue, the constant barrage of threats during the Ahmadinejad era didn't really help the Iranian image in the eyes of Israel. They see Iran using nukes on them as a viable, credible threat but not as credible as what really concerns them. Which, of course, is the proliferation of Iran's nuclear weapons to the terrorist organizations they prop up, namely Hamas and/or Hezbollah. I'm not giving you a tl;dr, Paul.



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          • Damnit middle east! Play nice



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          • Can we just move them all to New Mexico, it's hot enough.



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