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由Jono編輯: 8/22/2013 4:43:57 AM

I could use an expert

I need an expert to help translate this paragraph... or whatever the hell it is for me. Here it is: "if u really "loved" her/him like u said u did u wuldt already hav a new qurl/quy not 2 lonq after u quys broke up or stopped talkin ' already movin on wen their still stuck on u?How is it dat you've already stopped thinkin abt em wen dey cnt seem to qet u out of der head? u can already qo a day w/out talkin to em while she/he still checks der phone hopin to hear from u ? Yu started callin another qurl/quy "babe" wen he / she cntt even let another person flirt w/them ? you've already told another qurl/quy u miss dem wen dey still wish dey were nxt u ' you've told another qurl/quy u love them wen dey hvnt stopped lovin u ..." WHAT IN NAME OF THE SWEET JESUS OF LORD ALMIGHTY IS THIS?



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  • [quote]If you really loved him/her, like you said you did, you wouldn't already have a new guy/girl not too long after you guys broke up or stopped talking. Already moving on when they're still stuck on you. How is that you've already stopped thinking about them when they can't seem to get you out of their head? You can already go a day without talking to them while he/she still checks their phone hoping to hear from you. You started calling another guy/girl "babe" when he/she can't even let another person flirt with them. You've already told another guy/girl you miss them when they still wish they were next to you. You've told another guy/girl you love them when they haven't stopped loving you.[/quote] I put it into English. It's still somewhat confusing because they use him/her and them way too much to refer to both the ex and the current relationship.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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