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由LordFarquaad690編輯: 7/18/2013 4:50:20 PM

What is the flood's opinion on Snowden?

Just wondering what everybody's opinion is on him. My Opinion: 1. I think Snowden is retarded for supposedly "Leaking" something that we've known about for years. I guess if some one has been living in a hole for their life they may have not known. 2. I think he should go to jail, because he intended to release so called "classified information" to the public.



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  • I think he should have stood his ground on conviction and not fled. You either believe in your cause and face the consequences or you negate your impact by running away from the core belief you held validating the actions you found cause to fight against. The Guy who leaked the Pentagon Papers went to trial. He hid for a bit, but eventually he went to trial ready to face the charges. By doing so he further embarrassed the Nixon administration legal council by their own idiocy.



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