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由AAAAAA編輯: 7/16/2013 1:50:46 PM

So, what does this forum think of George Zimmerman? Evil or Saint?

What do you think of him, was it just to find him not guilty on all charges? Personally, I take the view he's a great man. He is a model citizen who, if we were to all be like, the world would be a better place. He cared about his community, can you say the same? He was vilified by both an administration whoring out the US judicial system for votes and a president who will, in history's eyes, rank as one of the most cunning, decietful and immoral presidents in history and a Media out to push their own lies and their own hidden agenda. Justice was served on the day he was exonerated, anybody who watched the trial agrees. You can't simmer the Zimmer. So, What do you think of him, was it just to find him not guilty on all charges?



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  • I think the media is the only reason why we're talking about this now. A local news team writes "local man shoots teen". The national news writes "White man shoots black teen" (Even though he was only half white). Yet if a black man shoots a white teen, it never gets passed local news because national news companies care about their money. Examples: Marley Lion. If you don't know who that was, look it up



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