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由SurprisedRICK編輯: 7/16/2013 2:09:55 PM

Racism is still alive in America

But not in the way you think. And they say ONLY white people are racist....sorry but they're wrong. This picture is true and sad.



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  • Racism still exists everywhere. If you think only the US is racist, you are full blown retarded.



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  • Everyone is at least a little racist. Complaining about it doesn't help the problem. And it'll always be that way.



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  • Emericcccaa



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  • well, just look at that [url=]Cheerio's commercial [/url]that is under fire right now because of the biracial couple. seriously people just chill out.



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  • I love everyone; but everyone doesnt always love me.



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  • 由FoMan123編輯: 7/17/2013 6:56:11 PM
    [quote]And they say ONLY white people are racist[/quote] Nobody has ever said that. Ever. Also, the Trayvon Martin case made national news because it involved racial profiling by Zimmerman and the cops didn't charge him with a crime until there was national pressure to do so. The guy who shot and killed Marley Lion was a street thug looking to rob people and race had little to do with the killing. He was aggressively and rapidly arrested, charged, and convicted. That kind of thing happens all the time all around the country and any one instance is not enough of a story to catch national attention. Also, this picture was created and posted by Marley Lion's mother on Facebook, who is clearly upset that her son's killing did not receive the same attention from the media as Trayvon Martin's. Take that to mean what you will, but this comparison is hardly valid. I realize this is just slacktivism on your part, but some basic research before posting stuff like this would help prevent you and others from looking stupid.



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    5 回覆
    • Racism is still alive on Earth.



      以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

    • Guess what? Racism has been proven to be hard wired into people. But don't worry, there is a solution... IGNORE STUPID PEOPLE! Live by this motto and you will have a much happier life.



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    • This is so true. Even in my school. Now Black people get away with every racist comment while whites suffer for any allusion to the subject.



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    • I wish we could just put our differences aside and make beautiful babies



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      • 由Magical Robot編輯: 7/17/2013 10:50:06 AM
        Racism is a tool political parties use to rally a group on their side, by trying to strike at their "morals". If it was an act of "racism", they can use your "morality" against you. “I’ll have those -blam!- voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” –[url=]Lyndon B. Johnson[/url] [url][/url]



        以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

      • Who the -blam!- said only white people are racist? The people who said that are such a small -blam!-ing minority of morons it's stupid to even consider them.



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      • People act like america is the only racist place but in all honesty its all around the world. But youre right, it sucks that white people cant do anything without it being "racist" now a days. Im hispanic and now cause i agree with the verdict of the trial everyone is accusing me of being racist. Dont want to offend anyone but it just seems like black people feel and act like they are owed something not only from the government but from the rest of america which is nonsense. Agree or disagree thats just my opinion and i stand by it regardless.



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        9 回覆
        • America's all kinds of -blam!-ed up. How can you people insult each other on a daily basis like this? Do you not have any respect for each other?



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          1 回覆
          • True. Media picks its favorites



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          • 0
            We cant say n*gger or yid, yet its ok to say gook, paki, wog, fenian, hun, honky, and wet back. It seems like its only racism if its aimed at black people and jews yet perfectly ok to discriminate against asians, whites, arabs and everything in between. Just making an observation.



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            • How is this racism? It's a double standard yes, but it's not racism.



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            • You know, there's tons of Latinos, Blacks and Asians in this area that get gunned down by violence from gangs from different ethnicities. Those don't make headlines at all because the people that gunned down those people are caught and charged. Racism is alive in America, but it's subtle. A picture on facebook getting passed around doesn't help the case. If people want true equality, they'd resort to Communism, but that's "unamerican". So, it's either dealing with the subtle racism from everyone in America (And yes, everyone in America. No one in America is truly not a racist), or resort to Communism (AKA Unamerican Commie bastards that we need to kill). You have those two choices to pick from: Social Communism or American Racism.



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              • 由Quantum編輯: 7/17/2013 12:28:23 AM
                I'm not familiar with the other case but I'd imagine the guy was arrested and tried for murder. The only reason the Martin case blew up is because Zimmerman was released on the day of the shooting; it took a public outcry to get him charged. Ultimately, the justice system disproportionately searches and incarcerated blacks at a far greater rate than white people, even when you take crime rates into account. It may not be systematic racism in the actual legislature, but it is certainly systematic racism through stereotypes of those who do work in the industry. That, and sentence handouts in the war on drugs are also disproportionately aimed at poorer people. Which is systematic targeting of poorer groups.



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                9 回覆
                • Lets just say this. If it weren't for sensationalism then we wouldn't be talking about either one of these cases.



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                • Racism will never die so long as humans live and breathe.



                  以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

                • Would you say that you are "surprised" by this?



                  以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

                • Are you saying there's racism against white people? 'Cause that's monumentally stupid.



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                  • Well it's the black people that really made this whole case a racial debate.



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                    • It's because people succumb to the media. It's not like any of you give a shit about either of those kids. As soon as that royal baby is born everyone forgets and moves on. Over 700 black teens were killed in Chicago this yr alone and do you guys care? No. Eh what was this about. Right no one cares.



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                    • Because the media twists thing to make it wanted to be watched. The world sees a black being killed by a white as racist because for centuries blacks were oppressed so people suddenly think it is wrong if a white person kills a black person. You think there are white pastors like Al Sharpton? No. All those famous African American Activists are feeding off of the attention and are looking for a way to make a quick buck. For example, there is a channel called BET. Black Entertainment. There would be outrage if a channel was called WET, White Entertainment, right? Double standards plagues, race, and gender.



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