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7/6/2013 3:32:39 PM

AP exams are in high schoolers!

You can, as of yesterday I believe, see what you got on any AP exams that you have taken! For those of you that have already checked, did you pass all the test that you wanted to? I passed my US History with a 3 but I got a 1 on my AP Art History test because some asshole pulled the alarm during the test:(((( And I was sure that id pass that test! or at least get a 2!



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  • They're releasing scores by region, and the scores for my state don't get released until tomorrow but last year (junior year) I got: AB Calc- 5 Physics B- 4 Lang and Comp- 4 Spanish Lang- 4 Spanish Lit- 3 Will update tomorrow with my Bio, Euro, and Stats scores



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