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2/27/2013 4:21:52 PM

I like signing in to notifications

I don't know about you lot, but I feel I have failed in some way if i've posted several replies across multiple threads, signed in 5-12 hours later and have no notifications. So i propose that perhaps if this happens the system could send you a token notification that says "Well, at least you tried". Or perhaps I'm just an attention whore since the update, though i suspect it's probably that since we have the abilities to reduce our own personal audience and exposure and generally circle jerk with a smaller audience than before, it hurts that little bit more when someone doesn't reply to your brilliant analysis of a troll post or a news article that someone has brought to the general attention of the community. All i'm saying is that, if you see a well thought out and interesting reply to a thread that hasn't received the attention you think it should've - reply to it; I suspect that you'll make the author that little bit happier.



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