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由nao編輯: 10/10/2013 8:06:22 PM

AAA Games vs Used Games

[quote]I utterly defy you to convince me Resident Evil 6 nearly selling six million copies yet still failing to meet expectations could be blamed upon the used game market. When you're selling that much, and still failing to make investors happy, something is fundamentally wrong with the process of videogame production itself, not the imaginary dragons of used games and game rentals that are conjured up as quick and easy scapegoats.[/quote] [quote]"You cannot have game and marketing budgets this high while also having used and rental games existing," says Cliff Bleszinski. "Good," says I. I'll take the used games and rentals. Let the videogame equivalent of inbred aristocracies wither and -blam!-ing rot.[/quote] Brilliant stuff.



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