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5/30/2013 4:00:41 AM

Get ready for this. Bye bye Gamestop and used games: Read and Vote

Like the new used games policy by next-gen systems


Dislike the new used games policy


Want to punch a baby you are so angry (not real)


Ok, I've been doing some major searching of the internet and I've read numerous articles depicting the small amount of details concerning the familiar used games concept we all love and enjoy. I know a lot of people are excited about next-gen gaming and the possibilities that come with that. But do you know what we are prescribing too? Huh, huh, well do ya?!? This is what you are getting for your money now. Through my research I've found that used games are playable on both the PS4 and the Xbox One......BUT FOR A PRICE!!!!! No executives or PR reps have given any final word on what that price may be or how it will be paid at this time. Imagine that..... Speculation by many experts and journalists, like my link I've shared, believe that the fee to play a used game may even be the price of the whole game! Now you ask yourself....How is that possible? Well, for one, Xbox One will make that possible because they are adopting the PC habit of installing games on the HDD and you no longer needing the disk, outside of installing it yet again on another system. So say you want to play a game I have to try it out. Guess what? You better buy that crap because even my gaming friendship has a communistic price on its head now. So a question I had is, What will happen to Gamestop, my favorite gaming store because the people know the games instead of Walmart Jackasses who stare at me when I ask them for a copy of Halo 4 and state they've never heard of an angel games. Gamestop predicates itself on the profits of used games. Moreover, these morons at Microsoft and Sony will effectively eliminate a large chunk of fans who buy brand new games using the trade-ins from their used games. I've bought numerous games brand new, even today I bought Defiance (don't laugh) brand new on four trade-ins. By doing this they are limiting their demographic. What's next? If I sale my Xbox One, the new customer that buys my used system has to be charged a "haha sucker" fee to play it!?! Don't get me wrong, I am a diehard Xbox fan and love how they handle things, and even PS4 has its benefits but, seriously, WTF? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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  • What would u say if i actually did punch a baby?



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    • I never bought used games, and now I primarily buy my games through digital distribution. I do understand though why people would be disappointed. Games are expensive. Not everyone can afford paying $60 for games. Also the whole thing would suck for people who like to trade games with friends. That I think is a biggest problem I have with all this.



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    • Mfw 20 idiots actually like where used games are going.



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    • overload, to much chaos ...



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      • Gamestop will end up raising the price for used games so they could make a profit that's close to the profit they make today.



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        • 由POKEY CLYDE編輯: 5/30/2013 12:33:57 PM
          [i]TOO LONG, DIDN'T READ (at the bottom).[/i] Here is how I think this will all go down: [u][b]Selling your game[/b][/u] You can only sell it to certain retailers. Why is that? I think only trusted retailers with a reputation to defend, that want to have a positive relationship with Microsoft will follow the systems Microsoft has in place to make ALL parties happy. [b][u]How does this system work?[/b][/u] You sell your game to a retailer like Gamestop. They buy your game cheap (like they already do anyways). Then they go through Microsoft's 'system', which deactivates the game from your account. Now this could go down 2 ways. Either the retailer will pay a fee (which will go to Microsoft/the publisher/developer) OR the retailer deactivating the game from your account will make the 'fee' for you as the person buying the game cheaper (when you get home and pop in the game to install it). [b][u]What happens if the retailer doesn't go through Microsoft's system?[/u][/b] You can sell your game to a pawn shop or something, and they won't have the system in place to deactivate your game. So, you (the seller) would still be able to play the game. BUT, the person who unknowingly buys the game from the pawn shop, when they get home, will have to pay FULL price for the game. [b][u]How does this affect the consumer?[/b][/u] When you sell your game to a retailer like Gamestop, things will happen exactly like they do now. You'll get in-store credit or money, or a deal like 'trade in 3, get one free'. Maybe, you'll get a little LESS than you do now, or maybe used games will be MORE expensive. The factt is, that Gamestop won't be making a 90% profit margin on the used games. They will still make money on used games, but it will be closer to a margin that they make on new games. What this also does, is gives more money to the developers/publishers. This means, games that you like, that don't make enough money to warrant a sequel, might get a sequel. Developers will also be able to take more risks, rather than shoveling out Modern FPS in brown scale 9, because they know they'll be getting more money from used game sales. ( These are possibilities, there is however the chance that developers/publishers will become complacent with more profits, and just shovel out the same garbage. This is where we vote with our wallets. We don't reward shitty games. We reward innovation. And with used games being more expensive OR getting less from selling games, we have to carefully decide which games get our money. Bland Shooter 7 or this innovative new, interesting looking game that has been well recieved. [u][b]TL;DR[/b][/u] - Sell your game to trusted retailer - Trusted retailer pays 'fee' which gives money to the publisher/dev/Microsoft - They can then sell it to a buyer at a marked up price - This CAN (but might not) result in better games and sequels we want In reality, this doesn't really affect the consumer all that much.



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        • The only thing I do not like about these new forms of DRM are the always-online requirements. I would like to install and play a game I've purchased without connecting to the internet. Those who sacrifice freedom for the sake of security, deserve neither.



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        • I'm pretty sure Gamestop will opt on only selling used games on older generations of consoles. They should be just fine when it comes to staying in business, because people will still buy new games. Now the video game rental service is obviously going to go under if it hasn't already...



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          • Um GameStop really doesn't make a huge amount of money on used games. That's why they're so cheap. Honestly, it's not like very many people are buying Brink.



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            • Good, used games need to die, they take money from the developers and give them to retailers.



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              • Gamestop is also well known for their preorders so I don't think it will hurt them much.



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                • I should've clarified then. I see people are voting for the new policy but why would anyone want that. I'd like to hear your comments.



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                  7 回覆
                  • Whatever is going to happen with used games is going to happen, but know this Publishers kiss your pre-orders goodbye as they scurry down the toilet next to public trust every time you release some crap like Aliens CM. I'll never buy or preorder a game on the next console generation until its been vetted and a proven 9.5 or higher. The days of Pre ordering is coming to an end for me with all these weird rules on ridding myself of bad games. They want to hit us in the pocket book fine. The door swings both ways. I don't need Halo 5 or another Call of Duty game anytime soon.



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                  • From what I heard. You can still play used games. There's a code that activates when you download the game that goes to the Xbox servers so you can only download the game. When you bring it back to GameStop they redownload the code so they can sell it. After that a 10% fee is taken from the redownloaded code for the publisher and Microsoft.



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