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由i4EB_編輯: 3/14/2013 12:20:42 PM

Movies that you have seen several times

While posting my daily quotes from The Dark Knight on Twitter, I realized that I have probably seen that movie more times than any other movie and I don't have any idea how many times that is. I consider Pulp Fiction to be my favorite movie, and I have seen that only maybe 10 times. LOTR movies I have seen countless times. What movies have you watched more than once or twice? Is it because you wanted to or because you had to see it with a different person or different group? Do you usually enjoy watching movies again? [i]Tell me.[/i]



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  • My most watched movie series is Harry Potter. I can't even begin to count how many times I've read the books and watched the movies. I've also seen rerun after rerun of: Iron Man, Mrs. Doubtfire, The Notebook, Ladder 49, Men in Black, Inception, Titanic, Forest Gump, Top Gun, Jurassic Park, and too many other ones to name.



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