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2/26/2013 9:27:31 PM

Batman vs Master Chief

Title for reference. So who'd win?



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  • 由Iberius Huskus編輯: 2/27/2013 12:06:22 AM

    開啟新主題: Batman's enemies vs The Covenant(7 回覆))

  • 由MongotheDread編輯: 3/1/2013 9:38:48 PM
    How many times is this thread going to be made? I would have thought we would have gotten over this by now...



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    • Wow, I never thought this would be such a debated topic. Seems like from the Batman "evidence" he is almost a god, comic book fiction is too far out sometimes. IMO.



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      • Another batman feat.



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      • 由ROBERTO jh編輯: 2/26/2013 11:31:04 PM
        If there's no prior planning involved, than the only superiority Batman might have is his brain, and while the Chief may not be as smart as Bats, he's still a genius. The Chief is stronger than the Bats, no question, but how much stronger exactly? In the books his unarmored state is said to be 3 times his own body weight, which is already twice the norm because of his augments. The norm in this case would be related to his height, which unarmored is 6 foot 10 inches. The ideal body weight for someone that tall is, according to [url=]this site[/url] 210 pounds. So 3(210x2)=1,260 pounds. The armor, at least the Mk. IV, further doubles that to make for 2,520 pounds. Bear in mind, John's unarmored lift was calculated at the age of 14. This was relatively immedietely after his augmentations were completed and minimal further training had been accomplished. John's upper limit, at the age of 46, is actually unknown. But we can judge from the feats of other Spartans. Cal-141 was capable of lifting and tossing several meters away an ODST drop pod. I estimated the thickness of the pod on a range, and according to [url=]this weight calculator[/url] and the usable given dimensions of an ODST pod (102 inches wide, and 90 inches long, titanium like all other UNSC alloys) an ODST drop pod is somewhere between 2992 pounds (2 inch thick) and 11,970 pounds (8 inches thick). This doesn't consider the height of the pod, an unsupported factor on that calculator, nor any of the equipment inside the pod. Not being mathematically inclined, that's the best I got as far as a Spartan II's strength, sufficient enough to lift and throw one of those pods several meters. Batman's peak is estimated to be around 1000 pounds. Let's look at speed. A quick internet check states that the fastest human ever ran at about 43 kph. That is Batman's peak possible speed, not counting for body specialization (a 1000 pound bench presser wouldn't have the agility of a gymnast for example). John's slowest speed was 55 kph, coming right out of the augments at age 14. Chief Mendez stated that as they age, they will only get faster as their bodies adjust to the augments (TFoR, pg. 73). Their speed and agility is further multiplied by the MJOLNIR armor, by a factor I cannot recall as of now. Reaction speed. Batman's reaction speed is difficult to calculate just going off of the dc comics database (my source). It says he can dodge point blank fire, which is a contradiction. Point blank is instantaneous to a human, even a peak human. At that range you're talking travel time in terms The Flash would be more comfortable caring about. What bats likely is doing is anticipating the shot, rather than dodging the bullet itself; also how he would manage to "dodge" a superman punch. Neo is dodging bullets, Bats is evading them (at least at point blank) I don't have the expertise or knowledge to give numbers on Bats' reaction time. We know that John's speed is, at rest, estimated to be 20 miliseconds, and "significantly faster" when in an adreniline situation, almost incalucuably so (pg. 73 of Reach). In armor, that is further amplified by a factor of 5, allowing John the ability to dodge automatic fire to a degree. They're so fast that they see in slow motion; the armor allows them to move at the speed of thought, which to a Spartan is already faster than a human. So the two of the three primaries go into the Chief's favor with the third a strong possibility. Let's look at technique. Bats famously exploits the fears of his opponents in battle. As in the Batman vs. Spiderman Deathbattle, his reliance on stealth would be an achilles' heel. The Chief can, even outside of armor, see in virtual pitch black. With the armor he has a built in flashlight, various vision modes including heat, and has a motion sensor going out in all directions for about 80 feet. As far as fear goes, the emotion is a virtual nonfactor for the Chief. While still technically experiencing fear, a liftime of training allows him mastery over his emotions. He's also ruthlessly efficient in a similar vein to Batman, capable of feats of stealth and problem solving that seems, to their trainer, "damn near telepathic." He can create maneuvers and pull resources apparently out of thin air, using items in training his own observers can't figure out the origins of, despite being under constant surveillance. On top of all that, Spartans psychologically become better fighters the tougher the challenge is. "The tougher the challenge, the harder they fight...the better their morale becomes." (pg. 74, Reach). Batman would easily be the toughest human challenge John has faced, but I can't see how he would win without prep time and without being the main character.



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        49 回覆
        • Master Bat Chief Man.



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          • This thread makes no mention of it being a CQC fight. Cheif blows batmans head off.



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            • No, here's how it would go down: Batman and Master Chief would square off. They circle each other, gauging the skill and strength of the other. A bolt of lightening and the crash of thunder fills the sky. A few large drops of water splat Chief's visor and Batman Cowel. They make tennative punches and feints, trying to see if a quick win is possible. They can tell its not. But they are professionals, their training dictates the forms be followed. The fight intensifies. Batman nearly falls to a round of lightening fast punches and kicks from the Green Armored Super Soldier. He back peddles, blocking furiously. The Armor is the key. Batman begins a plan. The first blow comes from a block, he twists his hand and relieves Chief of one of his wrist pieces. Chief is taken back. The strange man, dressed like a bat just removed part of his armor! Hos breath quickens and he presses a furious attack. He looks down and now a piece from his shin is gone too! He can't let this go on. He tries a series of powerful kicks that puts the caped crusader on his heels. Batman, knowing that he is on the right path continues his strategy of removing the armor from the soldier. Bit by bit Chief's speed lowers to a more normal pace. Faster than nearly anyone he has ever fought, save maybe Bane, but manageable. Finally he has only the chest piece and helmet on over the soldier's matte black under-suit. Chief has grown desperate. He is losing, and he knows it. He doesn't lose well. In fact, he's never lost. He replicates the other man's strategy. A flip of a cape and he feels his chest piece fall. The cape is the first thing he removes from the bat. Followed by the gauntlets and boots. Batman feels a pang of regret for leaving his guard down. He had been so focused on taking down his opponent, that he didn't notice that his cape, gloves and boots were off. Oh well, he thinks. He's fought barefoot before. He lands a kick that takes Chief's helmet off. The man is blinking as though he hasn't fought without it in years. Maybe the fight is almost over... Chief reels back. He feels the wind and rain on his face for the first time since training. The cold stings his face. He looks at the strange man across from him and bounds into a cartwheel and leap that rips the bat cowel from the Batman's head. Now they are on even levels. The belt is the last thing and Chief will have the upper hand. Batman has a moment of terror. How had this strange pale man move so quickly? His mask is off! If anyone sees him now his secret identity is exposed! In this moment of doubt he doesn't feel Chief grab him and strip him of his utility belt. He looks at the Chief and feels pity at the paleness and scars. He thinks perhaps here is another being trapped in the costume and role. Chief knows he's about to win. He's been here before. He sees the moment of recognition in the Batman's eyes. Does he know him? Maybe the man is a failed Spartan. That would explain the speed and training. He looks again, no, they are not brothers in that sense. The man is a kindred spirit! He burns with the same fire that Chief does! The two men continue their fight, moving closer and closer. Their fight turns from the usual acrobatics and poetry of punches and kicks to a more personal wrestling. As they grapple one another their costumes get more and more torn. Soon only the most modest scraps of uniform keep their nakedness at bay. Finally, as their comradary could no long be contained, to two men grab each others heads and lapse into a timeless kiss. The rain pours more heavily as they express their newfound love for one another in that alley way. That is how the Batman and Masterchief met and fell in love. Their wedding is next Tuesday. I hope you will all be their. Chief is wearing white, and Cortana is giving him away. Alfred is the best man, and Lord Hood will conduct the rite.



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              11 回覆
              • Dude, he shot god. How much prep time does Batman have?



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                • Just the two of them with no equipment - Chief Chief with his suit and Batman with his tools - Batman ^Same battle with Cortana doing all of Chief's thinking for him - Chief



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                • If Batman gets everything he has ever had, so does Master Chief. It's Armor Lock time!



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                  • 由DocSmurf編輯: 2/27/2013 9:58:58 PM
                    Assuming john has a plasma pistol, Going by book lore two things would happen. It would melt straight through batman's armor and it would EMP all his gear. Dead batman is dead. Also all the argument about who knows more martial arts is useless. It doesn't matter how many moves bats knows the simple matter of fact is Johns reaction time is far faster, coupled with Cortana it becomes even smaller a delay period. Since the bat series prides itself on at least half way obeying the laws of physic bats could never move faster than john. Period. two people that might beat him. Thor, simply on being a demi god. 4k universes space marines because their canon is ridiculously OP.



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                    8 回覆
                    • OP says I win. Suck it, batman fanboys.



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                    • Necro bump because I missed out on this last night. Batman casually taps the pressure points on Chief's body, and leaves him drooling on the floor while he goes off to bang Catwoman.



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                    • Batman Bin Suparman.



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                      • batman feat



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                        3 回覆
                        • Whoever says Batman is either an extreme fanboy or a Batman elitist.



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                          29 回覆
                          • Master Chief, of course.



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                            37 回覆
                            • Master Chief. But everyone will say Batman because that's the only answer in vs threads that involve Batman.



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                            • This is impossible because Batman [i]is[/i] the Master Chief.



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                            • Depends if Batman would break his one rule, but I don't think he would so Master Chief.



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                            • Chief backhands missiles and Batman is, well... Batman Tough call.



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                              2 回覆
                              • Chief no doubt. Bats has nothing on MC.



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                                • This is how it'd go down. Let's say they're fighting in a warehouse, 'cause that's the first place that came to mind. Batman would be stalking John, in the shadows. After watching him for weaknesses, Batman would descend on him. John, seeing a dot on his tracker, would spin, ready to fire, but Batman would already be closing in on him. John would throw a punch that Batman would dodge, and Batman would punch him in the visor, cracking it. Chief rolls backward to get room to fire, but Batman would cut his rifle in half with a thrown batarang. Drawing his sidearm in an eyeblink, John takes aim and fires, and Batman is forced to take cover behind some boxes. After running out of bullets, John would load another mag and begin closing in on Batman's position. He'd look around at where Batman was hiding...and find nothing. Suddenly, a cord wraps around John from behind, and with a pull, Batman yanks him off balance, but not off his feet. John spins, breaking free, and lands a solid punch to the gut. Batman is disoriented, but not too badly injured, and he sidesteps another swing and counters with a punch to John's already broken visor, shattering it and sending bits of reinforced glass into John's eyes. Another few minutes of punching, and John's down for the count. And [i]that's[/i] a how a fight between those two would go down.



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                                  59 回覆
                                  • [quote]So who'd win?[/quote] The same person who won the last 500 threads.



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                                  • Am I the only person that thinks it a bit ludicris that Batman is almost elevated to demi-god status on the interwebz?



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