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由goldhawk編輯: 1/24/2013 8:50:55 PM

What could possibly posess me (Or my mate) to move to America?

So a very good friend of mine has an American mother, holds a US passport and is entitled to live and work in the states. He's been considering it of late having graduated last year and we got talking about him potentially making the move. We've both been to the states a couple times, I personally couldn't see myself tolerating it - but we are different people and he is considering it a viable option. So my question to all those who are from the States - why move there. What has your part of America actually got to offer these days? ^For the sake of clarity i'm in no way attempting to talk him out of a move.



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  • New England (which encompasses Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Connecticut and Rhode Island) is a very nice region of the US. From mountains to beaches and more. Boston is a great city, more or less the oldest in the US. [url=]Here's the tourist site for New England, basically details all the nice stuff around here. Much better than I'd be able to describe[/url]



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