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由RoKKeR編輯: 1/11/2013 4:14:34 AM

The Witcher 2

So with all of the CD Projekt Red talk of late with Cyberpunk 2077's announcement and Witcher 3's reveal on February 5th, I thought I would finally dive into The Witcher 2, a game that I'd purchased on Steam this summer and never got around to playing. I know, shocking. I must say that I've been blown away so far. I'm playing on PC and words cannot describe what it is like to see this game in motion. I have a 570 so I'm not able to crank it up to Max, but on High with a solid framerate of ~50, the game is absolutely gorgeous. It shines in motion, and no screenshot really does it justice. The flow of combat is incredible, and Geralt is so well animated that you feel in control of his every movement. It really is a joy to play, and I can't believe I hadn't gotten into it earlier. I imagine I'll be sinking a lot of time into this game in the coming days. The story, while I'm not too far in, has got me hooked, and I'm in need of a new fantasy game. What are your thoughts on Witcher 2 if you've played it?



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