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由Ominus編輯: 7/14/2024 8:35:21 AM

Exotics rework buff hunter

Gwisin vest: Spectral blade damage converted to super energy. Void damage converted to super energy for a Short period after being invisible Ophidia spathe: Throwing knive Hits grant increased damage Raiden flux: Damage with arc staff converted to super energy. Jolting grants class ability/super energy Raiju harness: deactivating also jolts nearby targets. Damage dealt while damage buff is active, is converted to super energy Dragons shadow: wraithmetal buff also grants increased damage. dodging replenishes a magazine Sixth coyote: Shortly after dodging dealing damage over a short time creates orbs of light and refills class energy Balance of power: threadling damage and being near threaded spectre refills class energy Gemini jester: dodging also weakens. Damage to weakned targets refill class energy Lucky pants: reload stowed hand cannons Orpheus Rig: weakning combatants refills super energy Radiant dance machines: remove being near requirement. When buff is active, dodging increases damage, up to 5x. When reaching 3x timer refreshes Speedloader slacks: infuse with dragon's shadow St0mpees: greatly increase damage while airborne. Grant another jump for every movement ability. Star eater scales: using an ability creates orbs of light Bombardiers: damage with xplosin refills class energy
#destiny2 #Rework



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