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由Tahllinavian編輯: 5/23/2024 9:04:25 PM

Nova bomb's real issue is QOL

The real main issue with Nova bomb is its ability to be destroyed very easily, it is the only super in the game that can be destroyed before you even fire it off or it being shot out the air by an enemy projectile. It needs more than just some damage buffs, it needs QOL as well. Nova bomb will continue to be a trash PVE super compared to others as long as a mechanics like this persist. No other Super has so many QOL problems, its ridiculous. It's already an incredibly annoying to use super, in PVE and we aren't even talking about the mediocre damage numbers or add clear. You have to worry about so many things, whiffing in smaller spaces or clipping on some unforeseen corner geometry thanks to the jump, killing yourself and of course as mentioned above the biggest issue, it getting destroyed often and easily by mobs just aiming in your general direction.



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  • Imo these are the changes I think they should do for the underperforming single use supers Cataclysm: Suppression on hit, pve enemies cannot destroy nova bomb, make allied projectiles able to go through nova, and make the Skull exotic increase damage of Nova by 50% (With the seeker change this should bump it to kinda under a star eater blade barrage) Vortex: Weaken on hit, increase pull distance against pve targets, pve enemies defeated by vortex refund a small amount of super, 30% increase in damage against red, 10% increase against everything else Golden Gun Marskman no star eater/Nighthawk increase base damage slightly but decrease it's power with star eater basically keeping star eater damage the same but making the base version a bit better Single shot tether: Increase pve weaken from 30% to 35% so it has a use over Tractor, make it so enemies who exit Tether range also have 5 seconds of normal 15% weaken Chaos Reach: Increase pve base damage against red by 20%, majors and above 15%, increase how often it jolts targets, can't remember if they did this already but if not make it so defeated pve targets drop ionic traces for both you and allies Thundercrash: Increase base pve damage by 60% (This will push it to about base Blade barrage level) decrease Cuirass down to 50% (This will push it to being under star eater but will get it a bit closer), and make it so ionics grabbed with Cuirass will grant 20% pve dr temporarily (In pvp don't change anything) That's what I think they should change. Pyrogale might need some work as well as while roarings x3 damage is good the base damage is not there at all.



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  • Don’t forget that bosses literally run out of the vortex and enemies straight up stand outside of it until it’s done, and the tracking on slowva usually prefers a random guy fifty feet to your left rather than the mob or boss you’re aiming at. Vortex needs a strong and continuous suck like an actual vortex with suction existing a bit outside of the AOE so things can’t just sit outside and the vortex should also weaken, if not the initial bomb blast. Cataclysm needs the tracking removed outright. I’m sick of having to run ten feet in front of a boss to guarentee it hits just to have it explode in my face because the boss destroys it before it can even move five feet. It should be replaced with OG shatter bomb, but have each bomb shatter interest a carpet bombing of shatter projectiles, and inflict volatile for maximum carnage.



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  • I used my nova bomb yesterday playing pvp and the enemy actually blew it up, that was by far the most underwhelming experience I’ve ever had in destiny.



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  • 由kime編輯: 5/23/2024 1:24:15 AM
    Nova bomb is the worst super. Throw it towards a group of 2-3 players and many times it misses all of them. It can be destroyed easily in the air, and it will kill the thrower if is too close to the impact.



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    5 回覆
    • IMO they should have added Weakening on contact on both supers for Maximum Damage



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      3 回覆
      • They should remove it being able to be destroyed in pve and make incoming damage it takes boost its damage.



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        2 回覆
        • Nova bomb needs a pve buff



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        • 由Vale編輯: 5/23/2024 3:26:03 PM
          Make it treat all enemy's like they have void sheilds Add an aspect that changes it to the classic fast triple nova.. The fragment has 3 slots and makes your grenades weaken on hit When it receives damage it travels faster



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        • It definitely needs help. It's the lowest performing super in PvE right now. I bet you anything that instead of tweaking this super to be better Bungie will simply change Skull of Dire Ahamkara to make Nova Bomb do more damage. And it won't even matter. Because it'll still suck.



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        • I miss lance



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          2 回覆
          • I saw someone call it Slowva Bomb yesterday and laughed.



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            1 回覆
            • Why not just say the bomb needs more health instead of incorrectly spamming "QOL" all over your post? lol



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              2 回覆
              • It's problem is also it has nothing like Cuirass of the Falling Star, Pyrogale Gauntlets or Star-Eater Scales to make it better. Bungie give that quality of life to the other classes and expect warlocks to just keep playing support by giving little to no dps variety. Notice there was no mention in their essay of frickin CHAOS REACH? I did... I'd be mad if I were surprised anymore at how little they care about the warlock class. We literally get sunsinger 2.0 in TFS while the other classes get cool new stuff. Whether they're good or not, at least it's new...



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                2 回覆
                • Vortex variant, besides an enemy jumping In your face and killing you, doesn't get destroyed while in the air going to target. Anyways, here is what should've been the change. Added new change to Child of the Old Gods Aspect. If Vortex Variant is Selected When Super is cast the Projective is Cast via Teleport (Massive Blackhole Vortex appears) at targeted location. So no travel time from cast to target, almost instant range is infinite. If Cataclysm Variant is Selected, The Super cast is Lance... You aim and fire a Void beam, the Cataclysm Super Ball damage is changed into the beam (so the Big Portion is now the beam) once beam is done damaging target, 7 Void Orbs appear from target location and detonate after hitting there seeker targets. So pretty much, Removing the Travel time of each.



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                • I just want it to be Lance.



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                • Why I use Vortex



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