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5/22/2024 1:05:00 PM

Bungie does not care what you write on here.

Everyone gets on here and complains, asks Bungie, or wants answers. But the reality is, Bungie does not read any of these threads, nor do they care. Only the ninjas, mentors, or any volunteers (basically people who don't matter) read these. Which is why you never see a direct answer from any actual Bungie employee. They may read the posts on X. But definitely not on here.



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  • They listen to streamers and people on better platforms. Back in the halo days the community managers were awesome and will communicate to their players. Two more weeks for final shape and it’s a piece sign to this game.



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    • Not true. They care if it benefits them. Not you.



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    • Apparently the ninjas don’t read it anymore either. I basically said the same thing a few years back and got hit with a 7 day ban for breaking coc. They said it was disruptive. 😂



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    • But I do <3



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    • Truth !!



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    • I agree it’s for people to vent off they don’t care lol



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    • "Bungie does not care what you write on here" Now you're getting it.



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    • Op understands. Alas, like the oligarchs of old bungie says to starving gamers "let them eat cake". Truly AAA gaming is in crisis.



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    • ignoring the problems long enough and you get a bankrupt company with employees standing in the unemployment line. its never a good idea. they have someone -blam!- comments there is zero doubt.



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      • If only that were true. Unfortunately, it isn't. Everything people complain about in Destiny 2 is the result of Bungie fixing something that someone else complained about previously. This cycle has been going on since 2017. Remember seeing all the forum posts of people complaining about the exotic drop rates in legend lost sectors? Bungie is changing that in The Final Shape and the new system will now guarantee you your pick of exotic - only it costs an exotic cipher which you can only get once a week after running 21 strikes/winning 21 crucible matches. You want to guess how many forum posts will be made about how bad this is for players, especially new ones who need to also unlock exotic weapons? Here's a nice one from 2022 about legendary shard costs - How did that solution work out? - The only constant in Destiny 2 has been players complaining about something and Bungie fixing it with their monkey's paw. People just need to learn to keep their mouth shut most of the time since Bungie isn't talented enough to address their complaints without making things worse.



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      • Perhaps they do read the feedback. But what if the loud voices on these forums (forums are generally sounding boards for polarized views, and arguments) are at odds with data pulled from the player base at large? What if the forums claim a game mode is bad, when in fact that mode is drawing many players in, etc?



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      • I remember one time someone ask to sunset nimbus because why not and an employee just said no



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      • Best community management doh….🙄



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      • Of course they don’t. The forums are just a vent session. The whole “We’ve been looking at your feedback and hear you loud and clear” is such a meme



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      • Never have, these forums are just here for people to vent, that's it's only real purpose.



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      • oh they read them. When i asked that People with mental health issues should be recognized as well, a Bungie employee replied to my post. Is it a majority of the time? No, but they do read stuff on here. They are just under a gag order not to speak. Once a awhile 1 will break that order. DMG also spoke a bit as well. Its how we found out only about 800 People frequent the forum.



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      • Question: how does one become a ninja? does the title come w/ perks? why would anyone want a to be a ninja? Not interested in becoming one as they make me sick! I’d be a horrible ninja, letting words fly all over the place, smackin’ peoples faces, getting them ready for realty.



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      • They have over 1,000 people working there and you would think that at any given time at least 50 of them would be on here answering these well thought out posts that people put. With all this technology they could be in the middle of dinner or even driving and, ya know, just take a few seconds to answer questions on the forums. Yet all these well thought out questions go completely unanswered. They're just never here when they could be. Bungie is a bad daddy!



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        • 2
          Bungie does not care what you write anywhere Nobody speaks because they want attention from a Bungie employee in the first place



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        • Maybe if you kids use some common sense, this forums would get taken more seriously. Everyone here is the kind of people that sends death threats to employees when the littlest change happens.



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          • Finally someone who understands this. I've been playing since beginning of D1 but have taken regular breaks through the years. Every time I come back the forums are filled with the same feedback/complaints. These post have never made [i]any difference[/i] over the last ten years of this game up to now. It's funny and sad at the same time to see these complaint posts over and over again; I suppose it must be a different crop of new players every time.



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          • Rightfully so.



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          • Problem is the ones in charge they don't care as they get payed anyway especially the execs that got a cut of the Sony buyout. The Devs that do care don't actually get a say it's why destiny's and bungie s days are numbered. And before the smooth brains start with the but Sony will save destiny no they won't they only care about a return on investment which they are not getting.



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          • There are 6 pinned threads in the "New" tab alone, 7 if you check "Trending" so they do see the forums. Also they have done several changes recently based on immediate player feedback, such as changing the Nightfall weapon or the gamemode for Iron Banner. Whether or not they act on player feedback is their choice to make, they can't reasonably respond to everyone's request or idea, but is is pretty cool when they do especially when you see it in the TWiD.



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          • 由rednayeL編輯: 5/22/2024 6:25:14 PM
            I have to disagree. I asked for a way to focus exotics, Rahool does that now. I asked to save loadouts, we have that now. At least 5 or 6 times I posted stuff and they did it. Sorry, but you’re wrong. Maybe they only take my ideas because they are good ones. To all those that want something: done!



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            • Obviously since the game is getting worse every season



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