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5/14/2024 1:09:42 AM

My friends both lost 5 apex predator patterns from grinding wish tokens

Hi all, I understand this is not a bug, more of an unfortunate situation. I encouraged my buddies to grind season of the wish for the 5 wish tokens so they could get the apex predator pattern. Unfortunately, they dismantled them without realizing that entire pattern part of the game requires you to do a few witch queen quests. As a result they wasted all 5 tokens... is there any bungie support here that could help? Seems a bit soul-crushing to lose all that because of 5 minutes of throne missions. I'm feeling awful I hyped them up for a bit only for it to end up this way. Their bungie names are XRay#1880 Waifu#5227
#Help #pcsupport



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  • Bungie wont reissue the weapons and they wont manually progress it for them There was a similar thread a few hours ago in which someone with a similar issue got a reply stating that progression prior to crafting being unlocked was lost -



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