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由jhermannITJ編輯: 5/10/2024 12:25:57 AM

To raise an army against us, Draksadd...

Plant a Dragon's tooth. "Draksådd" (dragon-seed). 👀 [url=]John Milton, "Areopagitica".[/url] His work instrumental in defining standards for liberty inspired by Isocrates speech, [url=]Areopagiticus[/url] Note: there are 38 sections, I linked to the only free version of Isocrates' speech I could find. Milton, speaking to indoctrination & warmongery, [i]"For books are not absolutely dead things, but preserve as in a vial the purest efficacy and extraction of that living intellect that bred them. I know they are as lively, and as vigorously productive, as those fabulous Dragon's teeth; and being sown up and down, may chance to spring up armed men"[/i] Speaking to instigating conflicts.... Another part of Mara's "plan" we don't get to know about. 😇 👍💠. [url=][i]"So then. The brave voyagers' fate, the timeless birthing-place, [b]my Milton reenactment[/b], the ruins made ours, [b]the riven twice riven[/b], the daughter's blood scabbed hard on mother's wound. All things told, all truth revealed, if through mist and mystery. If you have grace, then see our sorrows, but swallow back your tears. We were made to pay this price. I led us to our fate. Seek me in my place. Hear these whispers from the lips of Queen-Egged God".[/i][/url] "my Milton reenactmen", Mara Sov. "Paradise Lost" & "Areopagitica". One explaining humanity's greatest evils by using Satan as metaphor. The other that is "Anti" ... "Secrets". Freedom of speech, freedom of expression ... liberty. They're connected, for many would sow Dragon's teeth... for power and influence. "Better to reign in Helll..." [url=]Better to reign in Hell...[/url]
#destiny2 #lore



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  • You’re just rambling now. In no way do you provide context for your theory and why it connects to the current subject of your post, rather, you expect the reader to do all the work. If you want people to believe you, then make it clear what you are trying to say. Don’t ramble. Don’t try to deceive. If you do not provide the connective tissue, how can you expect people to understand your point? This also poses the problem of reducing the chance for argument. It does not support understanding, nor does it support learning. If people do not understand your point, how could they possibly argue against it. Argument is the life blood of discussion. If we all agreed about something, why then would there need to be theory? You want to live in an echo chamber, where what you spout is treated as truth, and what you say is taken as supreme word, yet you do not provide the work nor measure to allow for agreement and argument. It’s a fools errand. Be better.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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