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由BoricYew568554編輯: 5/3/2024 3:17:53 PM

Cannot create cross-save for XBOX onmy daughter’s account

Good day! I have a problem creating a cross-save account for my daughter. I can’t also let her join my clan. I’m clan founder so that shouldn’t be a problem. Anyway, when I was setting up her account, I set all her details correctly since we also set up restrictions to her xbox account. She’s 11, but because of this I can’t edit her details (email address most especially) in her bungie account. I always get an error. Also she can’t seem to accept my clan invite even though I ticked the right checkbox in the settings. Must be related to the lack of email address? Can someone please fix this so that I can put my daughter’s email in her settings and finally set up her cross save, 2-Factor Authentication and clan invite? It would be much appreciated! P.s. I will not post my daughter’s Bungie gamertag here. Will only deal directly with Bungie Customer service…
#Help #BnetIssues



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  • It’s just a guess but these issues might be related to the birthday thing that Bungie put out not too long ago. Maybe your daughter is too young to have things on their account edited or maybe too young to join a clan. These are just what I’m thinking that could be the issue. In the meanwhile, this post should be bumped with my comment so maybe someone (link a Mentor or Ninja) will comment.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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