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由Yeti編輯: 4/22/2024 3:22:30 PM

Error code Nightingale

Hi I am having trouble with error code nightingale. It started the other day i was afk in the tower and got kicked back to orbit with the "are you still there message" when i confirmed that i was back i then got error code Nightingale. The issue has persisted since then onwards and i cannot log into the game. I have tried all of the fixes suggested in the help section for that error code to no avail, this includes, clearing my steam download cache, verifying the integrity of my game files(which all were fine no problems found) repairing the game through windows and also reinstalling the game twice now as well as tried some fixes from online such as switching my dns server to the google dns which done nothing and i am having no troubles on any other game so i doubt its a hardware issue because the only game im having a problem on in destiny 2. Please let me know how i can resolve this issue. Thank you in advance



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