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4/17/2024 8:52:09 PM
Oh, but people are calling this Bungie's "We're back!" moment. Who knew? All it took was some popular weapon names, poor drop rates on rare loot with a dose of FOMO, and a short hype train ride on the Prismatic Express. Yeah, Bungie is back alright.



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  • 3
    The Guy
    The Guy

    Laughing at their “logic.” -

    Yeah. I keep seeing, “We’re so back!” This isn’t Bungie’s “defining moment,” to all the dubs that think it.



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  • [quote]Yeah. I keep seeing, “We’re so back!” This isn’t Bungie’s “defining moment,” to all the dubs that think it.[/quote] I quit for like 2 years when stasis came out ,then they sunset stuff and I'm feeling like my vaults pretty full now and they give us like 30 reskinned guns recently that I don't want to spending playtime sorting my vault or play 50 rounds of anything so I'm thinking I'll see everyone later.ill buy final shape for 5 bucks after it fails, Good luck tho



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  • Onslaught was made for streamers and YouTube creators to artificially pump Destiny's popularity in social media and see if it could hook people back into the game to buy the next expansion. You see how poorly executed it was done, with Shaxx not having a reset option, the hall not having a vault, mail, etc... And of course how overkill the legend is compared with other stuff that is supposedly to farm items and not to be an end game content. I will get my emblem and never again run legend or more than 10 waves on normal.



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