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由sweetsaucemcgee編輯: 4/14/2024 11:15:51 AM

Bungie please add new profile themes and pics

Don't know how much longer you are gonna be using this app moving forward . But if there is any chance it's gonna be around the next 4 to 5 years. Please consider regularly updating the availabile profile themes and pictures. People spend a lot of time on here.. they take pride in showing off that's all destiny is one big floss. For some reason Bungie devs could not be bothered to Add any additional pictures And profile themes or head liners for like the last 6 years or what's up with that? .if you are to busy and or ......... To Do it please allow fans to send in pictures and art and add theirs. Although personally I'd love to see more detailed art for the pictures section I know because they are so small that's hard to pull of but I see it all the time on Google and deviant art from destiny fans. We have had like 20 seasons and little to no art from them. No profile themes or profile pics. About stasis, or strand or neomuna , cloud striders thrown world lucent hive. New armor sets or dungeons. There so many things you should and could have drawn on for insperation. For this app. The same goes for clans FOR THE LOVE OF GOOD give us new clan flag options add new designers expand the color pallet. What is it with Bungie Half A in stuff. Like with the character creator. I can't believe they had the balls to put the exact same creator back from 10 years ago from d1. . WITH OUT ADDING ANY IMPROVEMENTS or options, hair styles tattoos, even the middle school limited number of colors is still the same. Bungie always talk about how much pride they have in the game, but the cracks are there . They have been for years. They are Lazer focused on certain aspects of the game. While little quality of life and not so little quality of life stuff like this gets blatantly ignored for years.
#Bungie #Help



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