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由Slider_Iceman編輯: 3/24/2024 3:11:20 PM

Returning player Looking for clan 30+

Looking for clan UK/EU based 30+ prefer older gamers as am in my 30s myself no kids plz just got back into the game after two years off may get nightfall soon also Just looking for a chill clan nothing serious and were i can play at my own pace will do pvp sometimes also I try play few times a week and do play other games sometimes, just started new hunter today
#Clans #ps5



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  • Malicious intent are looking for some fellow guardians that would like to join our clan to just have some fun shooting things, causing mayhem, getting into shenanigans, and having a laugh together. Now you might be saying “that sounds wonderful, in fact so wonderful it can’t possibly be true, there must be a catch” - well there isn’t one! I mean other than the $500 yearly membership fee and hazing.. I, uh, mean, “initiation” process. All jokes aside, all we ask for is you to be: Mature - age isn’t everything, it’s how you act, although most of us are in our 20s and 30s Active - the whole point is having people to play with for any activity, any time Laid Back/Chill/sweaty/casual All about having a good time playing a game that we all love to hate. That and you kinda need to join our Discord, you know, communication and all. We are big on End Game Content. Also, we are all currently UK and NA (east coast) but are open to anyone from anywhere! If that sounds interesting or good to you, feel free to shoot me a PM or comment here and we’ll get you an invite! Stay safe out there Guardians!



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