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由Goosese編輯: 3/27/2024 3:27:22 PM

Blink Feedback

[b]Hey Bungie and Community,[/b] I know this will probably get buried but I want to try and get Blink looked at again. As a movement ability it's incredibly fun and unique. I've played this game for more than 3k+ hours across ps4 and PC and nearly all of that time has been spent on blink in PVE and PVP. I'm unsure if I'm correct in this head cannon but Blink receives little to no changes or reworks (not counting astrocytes) because it's coded like an ability opposed to an actual jump like the other classes. As with all abilities it gets disabled in certain environments like the Helm or any other HUB and that's why I think this. And it also features a unknown cooldown between uses that can vary depending on how frequently you blink. If any dev would comment to give insight it would be super cool and a massive help to the small community of Blinkers. [b]Recommendations[/b] I'm unsure on how you guys would buff or rework Blink but incase you guys do there are some gripes that us Blinkers would like to be addressed and fixed if possible I'm no dev so I don't know if these changes are possible but here it goes: - Cooldown to be reduced or we have a little ability symbol to tell us when blink is up or better yet just make it instantly recharge when boots touch the ground? If it recharges when we touch the ground just make it so we can only blink 3 times before needing to touch the ground. I understand the current system is my screen will flash to indicate that blink charges are re-charged but I think this system is bugged as my screen will flash and my Blink charges won't be re-charged. Resulting in a lot of Kratos jumping off the cliff memes when I do any jumping puzzle. - Can base Blink for both Hunters and Warlock be what it would be if we had Astrocytes on? And the helmet instead be re-worked to buff Nova Warp further or have it completely remove Blinks cooldown (This would obviously need to be tested to make sure it's not busted in PVP). For Hunters can we at least make it so when we are amplified we gain Astrocytes benefits minus the radar buff? - Stretching of the hit box. Right now in PVP blink is very fun, however when we blink away from a close range encounter only to be rubber banded back to get killed by something we dodged is very infuriating. This is due to our hit box being stretched from where we were to where we are blinking to for the duration of the animation. I'm unsure if this can be fixed but dev insight to this decision would be amazing. - Strand Blink. For those who don't know if you go to Neomuna and have Blink as your jump equipped you'll be able to use strands grapple with blink. Devs I don't know if you guys have tried this but it's incredibly fun and an amazing experience I went through the whole DLC using this playstyle and my god it was amazing please try it. So if possible can we see blink come to Strand? As reaching through the strands of reality to pull yourself through sounds like a cool concept for Blink on the subclass. -Hurting my ankles. Any Blink Warlock knows if you blink just before hitting the ground you'll be blinked straight up but be rocketing towards the ground and take a lot of velocity damage. If this can be patched or elaborated on as to why this happens that would be amazing. Overall Blink is a mysterious ability that the community has limited understanding of and it would be amazing for a dev to sit down and do a deep dive on how it properly works and what its doing behind the scenes and such. It has such a massive potential for fun applications and I hope you guys share my sentiment. And massive thanks to the team who created Blink it's an amazing and beautiful ability that deserves so much love and attention. That's all happy, I'm to have conversations with peeps in the comments if there is any.



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