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3/18/2024 1:48:14 AM

Guardian Games

Bungie fix your guardian games again. You’re letting titans win from your handicap you put. Worked a bit in development so here’s an idea: Instead of making drop increase for diamond medallions and buffing the limit as well as cutting hunter banks down, maybe try to instead remove the banking system as people will just cheese it or dupe it. Or in the worst case….be butthurt that one class is winning then not say anything when you literally rig the game. Bring back revelry. Or better yet… [spoiler] SRL. I know it’s coming back anyway so just make it early. I’ve seen the data on it along with the emblems you snuck in through the years [/spoiler]. Your notes during the roadmap/tree/etc. Or just remove guardian games. No one wants it. Just replace with with a memorial of gratitude to all guardians so all classes gain rewards equally without competing. The more you get commended for helping a new light, the rewards for emblems of helping. Helping someone clear a master raid or super difficult challenge? Reward them for that specifically. It’ll require you to do work but I’m sure you can do it. This should not be a 6 month project but could well be within 4-8weeks worth of coding and refining. Run it through your supervisor, IT. I’m sure you’re reading this. [b]Guardian Games isn’t guardian games if the guardians don’t win. It’s bungie appeasing the 1/3 side.[/b]



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