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3/13/2024 7:10:21 PM

Fix Guardian Games warlock armor

It's been a long time an nobody's saying anything. "[url=]Cunning of the Conterder Robes[/url]" chest armor for warlocks from the 2022 Guardian Games is still bugged after all this time. The vest part of the robe's texture is not scaled correctly onto the UV map. You literally just have to scale down the textures for those few UVs, because now the tiny threads of fabric are as thick as construction rods. I know it's a small thing and priorities are a thing. However, as somebody with experience 3D modelling, I can easily say it can be done in a couple of minutes if we don't count the time to open whichever software you're using. Please fix this tiny, but extremely noticeable bug, which is ruining one of the nicest minimalistic walock robes.



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