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由Azrael1464編輯: 3/12/2024 1:36:10 AM

Arc staff guard bugged?

I've been using Arc Staff in PVP for a little bit recently just to vary up my gameplay. However, I will be in the super and guarding to deflect projectiles and I die to Misadventure. I've been able to reflect some supers, but when I'm being shot by primary ammo guns, I'll just die to Misadventure. Is this a known issue? Everything I've found is from a couple years ago. I do enjoy using arc staff, even if the super isn't very good in PVP. I just wish I could actually guard and reflect projectiles, or at the very least be told what I'm dying to rather than just Misadventure. Side Note: I am using the Blight Ranger Exotic with it, if that changes anything about how guarding works.



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