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3/7/2024 4:24:50 PM

Unbalanced Competitive Game-mode

This new update cooked competitive crucible. It's now highly unbalanced as a game mode; this doesn't just include the playlist, such as countdown rush; that game mode doesn't even make sense in a 3v3 competitive game mode meant to be balanced. The special ammo changes heavily bias the winning team, which doesn't make sense because a comp game mode is supposed to be balanced. Now, if you want a balanced game mode, you are better off going to control and such. Trials, which I've never gone flawless in, is far superior to it's supposed counterpart. With the new changes to headshot damage, I'm constantly getting two-tapped to the head by 120s when I should be able to two-tap burst rifle them easily from a longer distance. This game mode gets increasingly better if you put in skill-based match-making, as the ranks are supposed to determine. I'm currently gold two and got to gold one; as soon as I accomplished that feat, they started putting me up against Trial's flawless players and players that are not gold 1. I don't care for the meta shift from the headshot damage buff; I am concerned about getting two-tapped from meters away by a 120-hand cannon when I can't two-tap the guy from the same distance as he is from me. I'm purely making this as a former PvP main before the game got redundant; although my stats aren't that good, there's no reason why this matchmaking should be putting me up against platinum's to ascendents.



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