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1/10/2024 5:51:48 AM


OK when are you (bungie) going to listen. We need more maps and more focus on gambit than what you are doing now. You haven't updated gambit in years. However you like to talk about crucible repeatedly every week. Just because they are streamers and whinge. Like now already complaining about thorn. Gambit players aren't wingers but are getting sick of been ignored.



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  • [quote]OK when are you (bungie) going to listen. We need more maps and more focus on gambit than what you are doing now. You haven't updated gambit in years. However you like to talk about crucible repeatedly every week. Just because they are streamers and whinge. Like now already complaining about thorn. Gambit players aren't wingers but are getting sick of been ignored.[/quote] If bungie put just 1/8 of the love to gambit from pvp. People might start enjoying it. Drifter must be disappointed



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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