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1/27/2024 5:43:13 PM

For Newer Players or Seasoned Guardians Who Wish To Help :)

[b]Welcome![/b] - The [i]Sleepy Shift[/i] Clan 💤[NPTM]💤 ---- [b]A Clan For Those Who Are A Bit More Casual & Relaxed[/b] ---- [b]Pros & Cons[/b] -- Small Clan, only 1 currently active, less social anxiety -- Chill activities with less competition and more enjoyment -- Not super challenging content/ slightly lower tier rewards (more average activities) -- Room for improvement and growth -- 🖤Void based, may be stuck in the Void (it's actually not that bad) -- Flexible schedule ⏱️ -- Unpredictable schedule?? -- Guidance and not lecturing -- Friendly and patient 😄 -- Respectful and well mannered (to you, not the game) -- Occasional break from the dreary and dull 😁🥳 --- Thank you for reading, if you're interested in having a place where you can be focused on and assisted, message me / contact me! Like this post and cheer me on! I'm really hoping to build a smaller sized clan, experts who want to assist and take part in building a small and chill community, get a hold of me! 😁 [i] Hold Tight Guardians, The Storm Approaches [/i] 🖤 [i]With Love From The Void, [/i] MesmoHero#0568
#Hunter #Clans #void



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