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1/18/2024 11:39:15 AM

Full Screen Flashing

Flashes are great, blind me daddy


We need a toggle to disable all/certain flashes


Option for reverse flash or sliders for intensity


Unfortunately, this game uses so many full screen flashing effects that it has become unplayable for me. I don't even mean muzzle flash or when you use certain abilities. It's the flashes every time you pick up ammo, or an orb or glimmer or do anything really. Being hit constantly with flashes equal to what camera flashes used to be is absolutely horrible and in my opinion adds nothing the to game. I can see quite well, without those flashes when I have picked up an orb or ammo or whatever. I don't need a blinding flash every single time as additional "help". Maybe some people enjoy the constant flashes. But I still don't see why we cannot have a toggle in the accessibility settings. It's great there are other options for colorblindness. But we need photo sensitivity settings like a reverse flash that darkens the screen instead of flashing. (call of duty has this, but I don't want to play it because the gameplay / universe is not for me) I love Destiny but the constant flashes all over the screen just made this game unplayable for me as my health and sensitivity to bright light has become worse over the years. (other games are fine, like Baldur's Gate, Halo Infinite (has sliders for specific bright effects to fully disable or lessen them), Elden Ring - these games have some bright effects, but it's not this constant bombardment with every single action causing some kind of full screen blinding flash) Please Bungie, implement a toggle or sliders for the full screen flashes. I'd rather have the screen go black than being hit with blinding light every few seconds. This is my favorite shooter, and I haven't found a good alternative so far. I want to keep playing. Please help.



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