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1/5/2024 8:50:00 PM

Final Shape Day One Raid: Looking for 6th member.

Looking to lock in a 6th member. We’re clan Fabulosos, we have been playing together as a day one team since DSC. We’ve had some decent success, finishing every day one raid/challenge mode within the first 12 hours. We placed 73rd for DSC and 59th for VoW. Recently our 6th member had to step away due to his personal life being a bit too busy to be able commit. We are looking for a chill individual who has vast prior day one raid experience and can benefit the team. If interested, please DM me. We can setup a time for you to meet the team and run a couple quick n’ chill raids to see if you click with us/us with you. Discord: .flamey BNG ID: Flame#1857



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