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由Seiryoku編輯: 12/19/2023 12:46:52 AM

New and Returning Player Difficulty

Some players can't get good cause their stat distributions suck and their builds are uninspired. [b]Stats, mods, and perks play a huge role in how your Guardian behaves and interacts with their world[/b]. You don't have to use [i]cheese[/i] to win, but it helps to be literate. Perhaps this can be seen when onboarding New Lights in an amazing, new, [u]never to be removed[/u] campaign, or just an opportunity to change [i]in a short time[/i]. We can have premade armor sets with [b][u]SPECIFIC SPIKEY STAT DISTRIBUTION[/u][/b] obtained through a small adventure or [b]SHORT[/b] quest. To be outfitted with a taste of what focusing on a play style does. Not triple 100s, just clear definitive spikes without useless stats. Doesn't have to be Artifice. It shouldn't be. Just... Something for PvE for your class. Something for PvP focused. Sets should be selectable and have menu descriptions similar to hovering over characters stats to see if I, perhaps an inexperienced Guardian, favor melee [Str], or class ability, or grenade [Dis]. Also have a [i]suggested[/i] [b]Resilience[/b] Tier posted [u]FOR ALL ACTIVITIES[/u] going forward for players that convince themselves everything is too hard now. You could even have Ghost mention the need for heavier armor for this Op. [b]PLEASE COMMENT BELOW ON HOW YOU WOULD IMPROVE ON THIS IDEA OR HOW YOU TAKE OFFENSE. [/b]



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • I do think it is a bit surprising there hasn't been much in the way of armour crafting at this point. I love the distribution I have on my titan, which is: 30 mobility 100 res 80 recovery 40 dis 70 int 50 str I'm not on the game right now, so this is a little inaccurate, but regardless I used that funny third party tool for building the stats I wanted. I think the problem with that is, while I'm perfectly adequate at adding numbers together, there isn't really a streamlined in-game stat distributor, so you can't account for wasted stats, or whether or not the armour is masterworked, for example. A great deal of my vault space consists of just random 60+ stat Titan armour when I was trying to get what I wanted, and since I may return to change this, I haven't deleted it. The closest we got to this idea was that incandescent armour from solstice, but I didn't take much advantage of it since I was already happy with mine. The ghost mods that guarantee +10 in a desired stat might help. They're a bit deceiving though; I forget exactly how I used them but if I remember correctly you actually want to put the stat guarantee that you [i]aren't[/i] looking for, because of the way the stat pools work. In general though, I think at least some form of armour crafting should be implemented. This would also open up some opportunities for deepsight on artiface and raid perk sets.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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