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12/13/2023 10:35:19 PM

Seeing almost nothing but Well of Radiance Warlocks in the Coil

I've been doing runs of the Coil and most of the time this is all I see. Maybe it's just the runs I'm doing but I've found it's much easier to do the Coil using my Warlock than my Hunter or Titan, and easier still (if you can call barely surviving most of the time easy) once I abandoned every other configuration other than using Well. So what are you guys seeing?



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  • I play an invincible strand titan build. Strongholds, lament, banner of war, and into the fray. Tank everything and do good burst dps. Lament blocks even when out of energy, and pairs well with this seasons radiant mods in the artifact. There are a few other important mods and fragments, but you get the gist of it.



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    • Its in their difficulty they chose to impose on the base, without majority consent to do so, which should really be the big deciding factor in what gets added and what doesn't, because its an MMO. Majority rule is the only successful way to keep it operational because of the overhead cost in this type of service. Warlock is my go to and the only way you have survivability is using Well, or using Stasis to freeze everything. Strand seems decent, but only with the Necro gloves. Without them it just doesn't cut it. Graviton is always a good choice for these, and can alleviate a good amount of trouble too. Enemies are too numerous and too strong in an activity thats basically all closed off, tiny rooms where you literally have no cover because everything is splash damage. So the only real option is healing. With ability nerfs, and energy nerfs when picking up Orbs, its just a miserable experience overall. If I'm getting swarmed constantly, then I better be able to spam abilities, but we can't. This is the problem with the game in general, so much of it is so ridiculously overzealous in things almost nobody asked for, that it fundamentally ruins the experience. I refuse to do that activity with any class beyond Solar, and I hate it. These just keep physically shrinking every season too. I love the Solar subclass, it is functionally the best for Warlock, with being able to shot and glide, and heal. Solar ignition spread is solid, especially being matched up with anything Incandescent. What I don't love, is doing any endgame activity or literally anything beyond base activities, I feel required to run Well, with zero exceptions, and its the only class anyone wants Warlock to run in any group activity. It just feels like being locked out of everything else. Why have all my other subclasses if the only viable one anyone, including myself sees, for any given activity is Well of Radiance?



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    • i dont pay attention to the others in there, who does that?



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      • I see wide range of classes.



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      • As much as I love Arc Warlock, running Solar this season is insanely strong so I don't doubt people would want to play it. Most also haven't realized how strong Daybreak is, but with scorch and ignitions being everywhere it really is a great choice. That being said I want to try and pull some fun out of Stasis with the crumbs of artifact perks we received this season but it still feels relatively weak compared to other subclasses.



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        • Warlock main and I haven’t touched solar this season, switching between Strand and Void. It’s much easier on my Strand Titan. Once BoW is going, he’s invincible.



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          • Strand warlock Vexcalibur and Karstein grips survivability is off the scale, bud. Run whatever you like in the other slots. Makes a nice change from being that well guy. That's how i done my solo run. ; )



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          • My arc warlock



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          • 由BetweenMyself編輯: 12/13/2023 11:42:58 PM
            I see nothing… (I’ve only run Coil solo as an Arc Buddy Warlock, so I got no clue what anybody else is doing) [i]so alone… so very alone…[/i] / (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)



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            • With the ability uptime nerfs hitting hard this season, having on-demand healing is kind of a must, especially once you throw in modifiers that also limit health regen like togetherness or attrition. Banner titans and well locks are naturally going to be the most viable options. Anything without a healing ability with good uptime or a long duration is just kind of not worth wasting your time with



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              • Hunter with lucky pants and titan with severance enclosure make this activity a breeze



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              • BoW titan and well lock are meta af in coil



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              • Banner of war Titan and Sunbracer warlocks are the typical builds I see. They’re the cookie cutter YouTube builds (no hate just very vanilla). They’re simple and allow you to spam either abilities or melees - perfect for people who want to relax and not worry about aiming.



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              • Haven't tried it with a fireteam. It's more fun in the closed fireteam option.



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                • 由The Hermit IX編輯: 12/14/2023 6:04:32 AM
                  I’d think that has everything to do with the artifact and it being the best support super. I’ve even taken old armor out of my vault for my triple 100 build with resilience, recovery and intellect. Coupled with Phoenix protocol I’m dropping Wells constantly. Bask in those Wells man. Although running Sunbreaker or Verity’s is fun too.



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                • I see a good mix of everything, i personally play solar hunter with shards of g. Haven't failed a T4 yet unless i happen to join random MM and join in the middle.



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