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12/10/2023 8:25:33 PM

Saying it now: this will go down as 1 of the best seasons to date

Like the title says: I think this season, season of the wish, will go down as one of the best seasons to date in the game. Let me count the ways: - great dungeon - season activity is engaging, fun, and gives a lot of loot - a lot of good loot dropping - good weapons - season story and lore is great - in-game lfg I know it's a longer season and most are going to judge it by what they do from feb-jun, but to me, so far, it's been pretty good, with potential to be outstanding. Great job bungie, keep it up.



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  • After playing the exotic mission and trying the bow, bumping this. I stand by what I said



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  • Literally every loot drop from every existing source I’ve pursued is trash. I’ve sharded all but two weapons and they’re not even useable in mid-tier and normal playlist activities.



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    • [quote]Like the title says: I think this season, season of the wish, will go down as one of the best seasons to date in the game. Let me count the ways: - great dungeon - season activity is engaging, fun, and gives a lot of loot - a lot of good loot dropping - good weapons - season story and lore is great - in-game lfg I know it's a longer season and most are going to judge it by what they do from feb-jun, but to me, so far, it's been pretty good, with potential to be outstanding. Great job bungie, keep it up.[/quote] The problem is that it’s a season though. Have had a lot of them by this point. Ready for something else now.



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