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12/9/2023 5:37:29 PM

Nerf it in pvp

Well of radient is ridiculous in pvp and other classes doesn't have that kind of power which is too over powering I'd you can't die in a match since ur holding a base down. How is this game fair if its favortized to a class since deej* was in D1.... absolutely ridiculous



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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    Lore-meister -

    I mean you could you know try to go somewhere else on the map



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • You can literally just walk away from it lol



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • don't worry with final shape well will get nuked, but not because is strong in pvp but because is super broken inside pve



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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    • You realise well only lasts 30 seconds, it lasts the same length as bubble and has the same cooldown. You can break it by shooting the sword or the orb above the sword, alternatively you can conditional the warlock in the well. Given the cooldown nerf blade barrage and teather (single shot) have equal cooldowns to both well and bubble making both good counters. Single shot teather allows you to easily kill the people in the well. Another method is AoE grenades (vortex, solar and pulse) which do pretty good damage to the well itself and vortex can apply weaken which also allows you to kill players in the well if you can deal enough damage quickly. Snipers also 1 shot players in well provided its a headshot. Well is easy to counter if you know how to and with the cooldown nerf it shouldnt pose much of a threat even in trials.



      以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

    • [quote]Well of radient is ridiculous in pvp and other classes doesn't have that kind of power which is too over powering I'd you can't die in a match since ur holding a base down. How is this game fair if its favortized to a class since deej* was in D1.... absolutely ridiculous[/quote] Conditional Finality tends to make the well not matter.



      以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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