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由SoulLight31編輯: 11/23/2023 3:11:21 PM

Super idea for a one and done stasis super for titans

I have an idea for a stasis one hit super for the titan if it ever gets a second super for a one and done super. So imagine the thunderclap melee but at a larger scale we will refer to this super as the “comet’s fury” the titan reals back a wrathful storm in his fist that expands in size and releases the fury into a flying comet like punch that travels in a straight line when impacting a player or surface it explodes leaving behind a freezing blast for players in the radius and the creation of stasis crystals at the center of the blast. Kill potential within 5m of the blast an 10m freeze potential. What do you guys think?



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  • Titans and stasis together just seems like they should be one of the most powerful subclasses. The quakes and explosions and hulk marvel vs Capcom stuff that titans do with stasis just seems like it could be taken even further. But that would have to be done at a lower speed than behemoth. Which still be the most powerful ever. Your idea is exactly the kind of idea for things titans should be doing with stasis. I know people don't like for titans to not be able to move around in a game about movement. It's the moving some of the fastest while doing some of the strongest that is so unfair to have taken away from hunters that it's disgraceful. We were supposed to be the jack of all trades.



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