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11/9/2023 9:14:43 PM

Rescue got bungie!

I think we should bring gambit prime back. I love gambit, I remember back in its (forgive me for the pun) prime. This is the coolest ritual activity on paper, but in practice it's gotten stale as much as I hate saying that. Either we should revert it back to its original state or add a new mode entirely. I know it's a call on deaf ears but with people frustrated with crucible and bored with strikes, why not have a ranked gambit. Or you can get adept weapons that are great for both pvp and pve, new traits etc. Give us old gear (such as prime gear) in the lootpools and a long awated taken shader or something. Give gambit another chance bungie. I feel it's a goldmine I'm telling ya! And/Or be bring back reckoning And with the old issues you could patch them. Like the invader/sentry



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