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10/31/2023 12:27:52 PM
This is why I deleted the game... I've spent too much money and too much time to get -blam!- like this...the game isn't fun like this..nobody should spend half a -blam!- day trying to get thru a damn card of trials!! It's ridiculous! 30 minutes tops.. it's game not a job bungie...not reinstalling until some is done!



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  • 由Storm編輯: 10/31/2023 1:31:30 PM
    I can’t speak to your skill in pvp, but it takes me at least several hours of trying before I manage to get my -blam!- to the lighthouse. And that’s because I’m only a mid-tier pvp player. What a lot of people seem to misinterpret is me asking for trials to be easier so I can win. I don’t want that. Period. Any troll or elitist who says otherwise can go suck Shaxx’s horn. What I’m addressing in my post is the major imbalance between Trials teams. The 0-5 stomps and 3x1 vs 2+1 matches. The matches where the all the highest KD players are on the same team. A bit of balancing is not going to kill Trials, or make it easy. The skilled players would still dominate.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • I totally agree with you.. I’m a 1.2 in trials with like 30 flawless.. I can get there.. but it shouldn’t take a awhole day to do so.. or a weekend. This weekend I played almost 80 matches just to get paired against people with higher stats than my team.. like why!? Bungie wants you to no life the game.. I can’t support that!



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • I used to care about going flawless, then I just started farming for loot on a 7 win card. Now with the player population dwindling especially in trials, I don’t even bother.



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  • It’s actually kinda refreshing to hear a 1.2 player confirm that. Usually lower KD players get -blam!- on for having that opinion



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