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由Two-ToneChrome-編輯: 10/31/2023 4:47:55 AM
I mean they basically told us they are rigging the matches so we loose more when they changed how it worked a while back, they said something along the lines of it wasn’t working quite the way they wanted it to and that they want to keep ppls win rate at about 50% so basically half the matches they don’t want you to win in pvp and it’s on purpose. But yeah the most recent matchmaking changes are pretty bad I almost preferred how it was before.



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  • 由Storm編輯: 10/31/2023 8:36:48 AM
    I think the article you’re referencing that from wasn’t 100% clear to me. I was under the assumption that the 50% win rate thing was for crucible only, since there’s nothing to be gained other than vendor rank ups. But if you can point out where it says so, I’d be interested in reading it.



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  • Its actually not forced 50% win rate. Its forced so that every game you have has a 50% chance of a win or a loss but that doesnt force a 50% win rate. Also its only for Comp and other SBMM modes which trials is not a part of (thankfully)



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